A 7/8 week introduction to . . .
Listening through the Body ~ with A r t
Thursday evenings . . . 5.45pm / 7.45pm
From Aug 9th to Sep 27th
at the Boilerhouse in the Hidden Gardens,Tramway.
Click on the image opposite for venue details & directions.
7 nights for £60 . . . or
Drop in for £10 a night ( including materials )
You do not need to be a Picasso to attend this class.
We will not be trying to make any ' perfect pictures '.
While this activity is therapeutic and intended to help
reduce stress, this is not a place for ' group therapy '.
You will not be asked to spill your beans at any time !
We will work alone, in pairs and sometimes as a group,
though always just listening and keeping company with
whatever we notice inside ~ as we sense into the body.
If it's good weather we will work outside !
Please bring your Playfulness, Curiosity and Kindess and
best to wear clothes you wouldn't mind getting some paint on.
This class will follow on from this spring with new exercises and
is intended to be of interest and useful to a wide range of people.
If you are: a parent, teacher, care worker, health professional or
anyone working with children ~ if you are a creative person with
a piece of writing, song, project or idea you wish to carry forward
or if you just want to explore your internal landscape a little more.
So . . . what is ' Listening through the Body ~ with Art ' ?
A natural ability or skill we may have lost touch with as adults, though knew
instinctively, as children. This course will offer people a space to ' play ' in,
to explore our inner experience and also to deepen our sense of empathy.
To translate into glaswegian: it's like letting our body drive the bus and
taking a ' time out ' or having a breather from our life, for a wee while.
Taking everything we meet inside with a big pinch of salt and listening
to our belly with more than our ears and a healthy dose of Curiosity
and Kindness. This is a chance to get more into our hands with some
playdoh, paint and pastels ~ without being too precious about it all.
Sounds like a lot, I know ~ this is also a place to practice the boundaries of
and attitudes of Self and Peer Support, sharing time and attention equally
and respectfully while just being with whatever we notice ~ inside and out.
If we are an artist, a writer, musician, dancer or scientist, a doctor, teacher,
plumber, postman or parent, in fact, whatever our path through life may be,
we can enrich and deepen our understanding of ourselves . . . and connect
with the voice of our body, while tapping the creative energy we all need to
enjoy life more fully and follow our bodily felt sense of ' rightness ' forward
Numbers are limited so please contact me if you want to book your place
or if you have any questions about the workshop structure, content or cost.