Following on from the West End Festival ~ I will be in An Clachan Cafe
one morning a week for a few hours ( Day / Time to be confirmed )
If it is sunny, I will be on the grass under the tree to the left of the cafe
offering an introduction to Listening through the Body ~ with A r t.
This is not therapy ~ though it may be therapeutic. It is an opportunity
to receive some informal attention, sense a little deeper into the body
and express something of the quality of meaning we may meet inside
through some simple art making ~ and have some excellent cake too !
Or . . . . just take a walk in the park and find a little clear space inside.
Individuals, pairs or small groups, of up to 4/5 people are all welcome.
If you are a parent or someone who works with children, this wee gem
of a skill is of particular use and relevance, though anyone can benefit.
Everyone will receive at least 30 mins or a bit more or less as required.
You can book a specific time for a meeting . . . here.
Objects can help us to connect more clearly with our internal senses
and the ' quality ' of whatever we notice in our body, at any moment.
It could be . . . heavy, soft, sharp, bright, red, cloudy, sparkling, dark.
Please bring a small object of personal significance with you !
The intention is just to offer a taste of this way of Listening and to give
everybody something to take home, that can be used in everyday life.
There is a poem by Rumi called ' the Guesthouse ' that articulates an
attitude that can help us to shift our perspective on how we approach
anything we may notice inside ourselves and how we experience life.
We may find more Curiosity, Playfulness, Flexibilty of mind, Neutrality
and Confidence if we turn our attention inside to sense into ourselves.