Eugene T. Gendlin received his Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Chicago and taught there from 1964 to 1995. His philosophical work is concerned especially with the relationship between logic & experiential explication. The applications of this "Philosophy of the Implicit" have been important in many fields.
Click on Gene's image to read more on his work and click on the links below to listen to some audio files.
"Enfoldment, unfoldment, and the implicate and the explicate". The theoretical physicist David Bohm is most known for his work in quantum physics but he also deeply explored the nature of thought & intelligence. These explorations lead Bohm to propose that thought is at the source of humanity’s problems. Bohm called for sustained attention to the process of thought as the manner of addressing these problems at their source. "We could say practically all the problems of the human race are due to the fact that thought is not proprioceptive" Click on D. Bohm's image to read quotes on this subject & click on the links below to listen to audio files.
D. Bohm - " Parts of a Whole " ( MP3 Audio ) Bohm developed a theory of quantum physics addressing both matter and consciousness ~ as an unbroken whole. His concept of “implicate order” provides a basis to bridge science and the realm of spirit. For 2 decades, he explored this possibility with religious philosopher J. Krishnamurti
D. Bohm - " Science, Order and Creativity " ( MP3 Audio ) Bohm tells us why science has become specialized and fragmented at the cost of its soul, and describes his theory of “implicate order” and its implications for human consciousness. He observes that thought is based in memory but true creativity depends on getting beyond the thought process.
D. Bohm - " Towards Wholeness " ( MP3 Audio ) Bohm, describes scientific theory as the myth that drives our culture, and points out the fallacy of our belief system. He also presents his alternative for addressing the world’s mega-problems by engaging in a new level of "dialogue" among small groups of people.
D. Bohm - " Essential Reality " ( MP3 Audio ) Bohm addresses the nature of thought, and how our conditioned minds become subordinate to the way we think. He says the thinking process “is a representation of what is, but is not what is,” and goes on to challenge our perception of time and space as illusory. This conversation ranges from mindless thought to experiencing each moment as eternity.
“ Yes.That is affection ~ that is love. When you talk to my waking consciousness, it is hard, clever, subtle, brittle. And you penetrate that, penetrate it with your look, with your affection, with all the feeling you have. That operates, not anything else.“