Welcome to LSP Scotland.
This website will most probably remain in a constant state of re-construction.
It is about an unusual way of Listening . . . through the Body ~ with A r t.
It may be quite new to you, as it was to me when I first discovered it 15 yrs ago.
Or . . . you may already have your own understanding of this wee gem of a skill.
If so, great! Life is short and I don't want to be teaching my granny to suck eggs.
If I boil down this way of Listening to one thing. I would say ~ it is just kindness.
The intention here, is to:
keep company with ourselves and others,
while just being with whatever is there.
If that is all we do ~ then something remarkable is allowed the space to happen.
I do not want to Fix, Save or Change the world, myself or anyone else !
I just want to listen in a way that lets us grow and change in tune with our nature.
That way is simple ~ and not so easy sometimes, in the midst of life's difficulties.
This way of Listening supports us to:
- Pause . . . to increase the quantity and quality of ' gaps ' we allow in our life.
- Make contact with our underlying nature and the intelligence of Aliveness.
- Strengthen our connection with ourselves and our instinct of Rightness.
- Clear a space . . . to explore a new way of dealing with our difficulties in life.
- Reduce stress and better manage any long term health condition we have.
- Enrich our experience of everyday life and enhance our creative projects.
- Shift our Perspective to look with fresh eyes and more flexibility of thinking.
- Make clearer decisions much more in tune with ourselves . . . as a whole.
- Give and receive attention with more playfulness, curiosity and kindness.
- Explore an Internal landscape where we are more than the story we know.
- Relate differently to our thoughts, feelings, emotions and our personality.
- Sense in our Body ~ we are all these elements of being human and more. We are also the space between everything.
- Pause . . . to increase the quantity and quality of 'gaps' we allow in our life.
- Make contact with our underlying nature and the intelligence of Aliveness.
- Strengthen our connection with ourselves and our instinct of Rightness.
- Clear a space . . . to explore a new way of dealing with our difficulties in life.
- Reduce stress and manage any long term health condition
- Enrich our experience of everyday life and enhance our creative projects.
- Shift Perspective to look with fresh eyes & listen with more than our ears.
- Make clearer decisions much more in tune with ourselves . . . as a whole.
- Give and receive attention with more playfulness, curiosity and kindness.
- Explore our Internal landscape where we are more than the story we know.
- Relate differently to our thoughts, feelings, emotions and our personality.
- Sense in our Body ~ we are all these elements of being human and more. We are also the space between everything.
This way of Listening supports us to: