This expression reminds me to allow myself to step off my train of thought, for a moment
and let my body be the bridge that it is ~ between my conscious and subconscious mind.
We can all go through our daily life without giving ourselves something vital . . . . . a Gap !
A wee space for us to grow into ~ that we we may rarely have even allowed to form at all.
The space between . . .
who we think we are ~ what we think we know ~ what we think we want
where we think we are going and something more . . .
is the gap we are exploring.
In our western culture of increasing complexity and pace of interaction it is rare for us in to go hunting . . .
for a few fresh moments in our day when we can allow ourselves to just rest in the space between things.
between my words and yours in conversation ~ between one activity and the next
between a question . . . and the place we let an answer form itself from.
We can meet this gap and even come to welcome it with a little gentle curiosity.