' Then gently scan your brother man,
still gentler sister woman '
Any of the information in this site is, at least in some sense, subjective
and mostly guided by my bodily instinct of what feels ~ ' right for me '.
I know there is a fair weight of research to support much of the content.
Yet ~ I have no wish to trade on any of that or make any claims from it.
It is by following my sense of Rightness that I have something to share.
If something strikes a chord with you or resonates in some way ~ great !
This site does NOT offer advice for you to follow my way of doing things.
I would always say: " don't do as I say or do as I do . . . Do as you do "
My intention is just to keep you company while you do it.
If I have anything useful to share you can take it or leave it and just keep
the good stuff.