Focusing is a collective term, ( one word, to convey many things working together )
to describe a helpful way of listening to our experience, as we sense it, inside our body.
It is unique in the way that it combines a series of specific internal acts or movements,
directing our attention and intention, towards the aliveness and creative energy found
in the centre of the body. It also describes a collection af attitudes and boundaries we
need to be be able to sustain ~ in order to allow the information inside to flow in a way
that can let something quite unusual and even mysterious to unfold ~ we can change.
Clear as Mud ? Let me try that again . . .
If this was a key ~ it would open a door of growth and change for some people.
It is NOT a magic wand, definately NOT for everyone ~ and best in small doses.
It will enrich and deepen anything that you are already doing.
Plenty more to say . . . I will update this page soon.