If each day falls inside each night
there exists a well
where clarity is imprisoned.
We need to sit
on the rim of the well of darkness
and fish for fallen light
with patience.
This short poem, by Pablo Neruda, beautifully captures the essence of ~ Listening through the Body,
or fishing as he puts it. We are going to need a little patience and also need to remember that fish
can be a bit slippery sometimes, tricky to get a handle on and might not even want to get caught.
It can often be the same with internal experiences: they are not so easy to label or pin down either.
What we sense and experience inside can often be vague and unclear. This is actually very helpful.
If we can allow that vague sense of something . . . inside us, that is not quite finished forming . . . yet
to move and shift as ' IT ' wants to, then it can unfold very differently and help us take steps forward.
You could say . . . that is exactly what we are fishing for here . . . something vague and unclear inside.
Click on the star for a bit more detail on all this
“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.
Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”
Lau Tzu
The idea of sharing a skill rings a large bell for me about some things LSP is intended to be about:
Skill Sharing ~ Self and Peer Support ~ through sharing internal listening skills we can keep for life.
Listening inside ourselves ~ with respect, kindness, neutrality, patience, playfulness and curiosity,
Exploring our own language ~ Saying what you mean and meaning what you say.
Getting to know what our words actually mean to us.
How we hear ourselves and other people and how they hear us.
We constantly assume we know what someone means when they talk to us.
This is frequently NOT quite right and well worth checking out, freshly.
The expressions in our own dialect or slang which point to something that can open a door for us.
For example: someone recently reminded me about this Scottish saying ~ " better felt than telt ".
This is very different from " wearing your heart on your sleeve " or " keeping a stiff upper lip".
These expression will carry a meaning which we may all roughly understand, but precisely how we
really ' get it ' will be as colourful, varied and unique as if you ask anyone to tell you what love is.